The turn signal is an inevitable part of every vehicle you see out there on the roads. The sole purpose of this signal is to declare your intention to other road users. These include turning to corners, pulling over to the road side or changing of lanes. The turn signal is one of the safety features equipped on every car, to avoid unpleasant situation like collision or fatal accident.

Interestingly, many people do not know the best time to use this turn signal in spite its simplicity. This is why many drivers confuse other motorists by sending wrong signals that could lead to series of road catastrophes. Here on Cars9ja are the effective ways of using this signal:
Always signal on time
You should be prompt with the way you use the turn signal anytime you are on the road. When you do so, it gives other road users enough time to make decision on what you are about to do. The best time to activate it, is when you are 30.48 meters, from point of intersection.

Using it in the absence of cars around
Using this sign as a smart driver comes naturally with an instinct. You should always develop the habit of making use of it properly. This doesn’t only apply when you see cars around but when there isn’t any vehicle around. This isn’t meant only for motorists, but other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians as well.

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Using it before braking
Although, we know this might question everything we thought we know about driving, but activating this sign before using the brake is the proper thing to do. This will help motorists and other road users to know when you are using the brake, giving them enough time and space to react accordingly.
Stop fiddling with the turn signal
We understand it could be tempting to fiddle with it, especially when driving gets boring. For your safety and other road users, refrain from such habit while on the road. You should use the turn signal only when it is needed. You can momentarily turn off the signal in a situation when it doesn’t go off even after you turn if off on the road. Make sure the turn signal is working properly before deploying it while driving.
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