We cannot dispute the fact that this Ford F-Series is widely accepted by American car lovers, but it has also become the most sought-after models by car thieves. Just recently, the newest Hot Wheels report was released by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), which shows the list of most stolen vehicles from last year.

They were able to successfully compile the list through various data gathered by the law enforcement agencies. From the report of Detroit Bureau, the Ford F-series is paying a heavy price for being regarded as the best-selling vehicle in the country. Just in 2019, an estimated 38,938 units were stolen.

While we are pondering over the type of bounty we can put on the heads of Ford F-Series pickups, the second place on the list – Honda Civic isn’t a stranger at the top of this list. Estimated 33,220 cases of theft have been reported on the Honda Civic. Other top victims in order of positions include Chevrolet pickups, Honda Accord and Toyota Camry.

The Honda Civic for the 2000 model year stays at the zenith in the area of specific model and makes. Also, on this list, the 1997 Honda Accord takes the second position, to be followed by other models such as 2006 Ford pickups (full-size), 2004 Chevrolet and 2019 Ram.
These car thieves are reported to love going after newer models despite the alarming rate of stolen old models. In 2019, 47,859 cars of 2018 production year were stolen, followed by 45, 118 units of 2019 models and 39,425 units of 2017 models.
By implication, for every forty seconds in 2019, a vehicle was taken off the owner in the United States. Most of these car thefts could have been prevented with just simple safety measures. One way of preventing such is taking the car key with you whenever you are not inside the car. Many people are careless enough to leave their car keys in the ignition while leaving. This also applies to the windows, where many are left down. These simple mistakes give the car thieves less stressful task of carting away with your vehicle. Always make sure your vehicle is parked at a safe spot especially in the night.